대구광역시 달서구 달구벌대로 2800 계명대학교 성서캠퍼스
음악공연예술대학 작곡과
2800 Dalgubeoldaero, Dalseo-Gu,
Tel. 053-580-6576 / Fax. 053-580-6524
작성, 작곡과 신성아 교수 010-3731-4286/x6555
제목: 아시아 컴퓨터음악 프로젝트 2010 Asia Computer Music
Project 2010
일시: 2010년 10월 12일 화요일
주제: 아시아 컴퓨터음악의 현재와 미래 Present and Future of Computer Music in Asia
@@@@현대 컴퓨터음악에서 음악적 컴퓨팅의 경향 Recent Trends in Musical Computing
발제: Naotoshi Osaka(도쿄뎅키대학 교수)/Richard Dudas(한양대 작곡과 교수)
통역: 신성아 교수
장소: 음악공연예술대학 141호
시간: 오후 2시 - 4시30분
This talk will serve as an introduction to some of the
recently developed computer techniques in the field of music technology. An overview of several trends will be
discussed, as well as a more in-depth focus on the techniques of physical
modeling synthesis, and its musical applications. Many of these techniques have
been around for a long time, but the continuing increase in computer processor
speeds has made them more accessible to musicians and composers working with
technology. There are, nonetheless,
many new techniques in the vanguard of musical computing, and many new ideas to
be explored and developed by computer music researchers and musicians in the
시간: 오후 6시
장소: 계명대학교 성서캠퍼스 음악공연예술대학 해담홀
주최: Asia Computer
Music Project http:// www.acmp.asia/
연락: 신성아(holybaby@gmail.com/010-3731-4286)
찾아오시는 길:
대구 계명대학교 성서캠퍼스 대구지하철 2호선 계명대 역 하차, 계명아트센터 방향 출구에서 계명대학교
음악공연대학교 2층 214호/1층 해담홀
Shigenobu Nakamura & Sadam
Fujioka Ramayana on the "Cubie"
Sungho Hwang
Sabba 사바(2010) for Tape*
Tomoko Nakai Crooked Stripes for
Violin and Computer*
Violin: Chi-Sang Park
Seongah Shin
fall_again v. 2(2010) for Audiovisual Work*
Film: Eunju Jang
Naotoshi Osaka
Similarity for Video and Electroacoustics*
Video: Nemoto, Shota
Wonju Cho Lamentation for Theremine,
Computer-Generated Sound and Image
Theremine: Wonju Cho
Richard Dudas Cinq études aux objets virtuels for Fixed Media*
Takeyoshi Mori
The Entropic
Flute: Youngmi Kim
* World
Premiere Work 세계초연작품
Shigenobu Nakamura & Sadam
Ramayana on the "Cubie" Live
Music Ramayana
on the gCubieh is composed and performed by Shigenobu Nakamura for the Rendition Software Art gCubieh. The gCubieh designed by Sadam Fujioka,
a Japanese artist and sound programmer, has unique and imaginative interactions
based on the ideas from some puzzle games. Ramayana on the gCubieh
symbolically features the interpretation of the world of the Indian epic
Ramayana. However, the story is not always transmitted to the audience because
the symbolization originates from subjective views. Rather, I used the story
for developing my own art inspiration. The abstract of the Ramayana story in
this poem is as follows; The Crown Prince of Kosala Rama, who was forced out of the country by his wicked
stepmother, lived in seclusion with his wife, Princess Sita.
The beautiful Princess Sita was kidnapped by the Ogre
king Ravana and incarcerated on
Sungho Hwang
Sabba 사바(2010) for Tape
작품 전체의 유일한 음원은 2001년 6월 어느날에 전남 송광사에서 있었던 80여 스님들의 새벽 예불 독경 중 지극히 짧은
일 부분으로 작품의 첫 머리에 제시되고는 이어 그래녈라 합성으로 왜곡되기 시작한다.
The only sound source
for this piece is the short part of sutra chanting(ζ€γS) by the monks
of Songkwang temple(ΌA). So you can
hear it at the beginning. Thereafter it will be distorted by granular
synthesis. (5"50)
Tomoko Nakai δόq
Crooked Stripes for Violin and Computer
Violin: Chi-Sang Park
stripes" was composed for violin and live computer system. In this piece
the violin timbre is expanded by both extended performance techniques as well
as by real-time signal processing. The live computer part was realized with
Seongah Shin
fall_again v. 2 for audiovisual work
exprimental film: Eunju Jang
fall_again v. 2(2010) is a series work for audiovisual work with
experimental film from last year and this is the second work on this series.
Have you had a chance to feel ages, genders, and characters of creator through
artistic works through their works? Sometimes, it make sense perfectly,
sometimes, it comes with full of surprises with unexpectedness. However, I was
not trying to show my personal characters though this work; I am more
interested to know how my interests are going to be shown in the work
subconsciously and unconsciously. We are just having a fun to see any kind of
influences on the works because of the media of process that we choose to work
Naotoshi Osaka ¬βΌq Circular
Similarity for Video and Electroacoustics
Video: Shota Nemoto ͺ{γΔΎ
Since 1991 the composer
has performed a series of compositions called gSanzuih,
referring to the water radical used in Chinese characters. The series started
with gShizuku no kuzushi
(Variation of Water Drops)h. This series aims at the exploration of water sound
as timbre and its application to music instrumental sound, the discovery of its
musical function, the discovery of musical forms which provide temporal
structure, and the application of these musical concepts to video. This
multimedia piece is the second such piece, following Wavelet (2007). One of the
characteristics of water sound is that if it is time-stretched (corresponds to
zoom with images), it can be recognized that various other timbres are embedded.
For example, a water drop sound, if time stretched, can emit a castanet sounds
and other percussive sounds. This piece emphasizes such
characteristics and reveals each embedded timbre sequentially. This process
hits the original sound and is repeated circularly. The title expresses the
phenomenon of a timbre being transferred one to another circularly, in contrast
to self -similarity of fractals. The water sound materials were acquired from
recordings. The sound synthesis software Otkinshi and
Max/MSP were used as well. The video work was done using the programming
language Processing together with recorded video data.
Wonju Cho
Lamentation for Theremine, Computer-Generated
Sound and Image
Theremine: Wonju Cho
Lamentation은 슬픈 감정을 다양한 미디어를 통해 표현한 작품이다. 테레민 특유의 우울한 음색, 이러한 음색을 재합성하여 만든 테잎 사운드, 그리고 두 소리를 연결하는 영상을 통해 진행된다.
Lamentation is an expression of sorrow involving theremin,
computer-generated sounds and digital images. Computer-generated sound
materials employed in this piece are made by C sound. In this work, a unity
between computer generated sound and theremin is
created through characteristic timbre, and digital
Images serves as a medium that connects these two.
Richard Dudas
Cinq études aux objets virtuels for fixed media
"Cinq études aux objets virtuels" (Five
Etudes for Virtual Objects) is a musical composition for fixed media composed
entirely of synthetic sounds created primarily using the physical modeling
synthesis software Modalys, developed at IRCAM in Paris. The title makes reference to both Pierre
Schaeffer's seminal work, "Cinq ?tudes de bruits" (Five
Noise Etudes), from 1948, and the "Etude aux objets"
from 1959. When Schaeffer composed
these early ?tudes, using
recording technology to compose and perform music with noises and sounds was
new and innovative. Today, this
kind of innovation would perhaps be similar to using the latest technological
developments in sound synthesis. This piece therefore pays homage to Schaeffer,
the spirit of invention, the genre of "Musique
Concrete" and the idea of the "objet sonore" (sound object), although paradoxically the
composition does not include any recorded sounds - everything in the piece was
completely generated/synthesized by the computer!
Takeyoshi Mori@X Πχ The
Entropic Forest for Flute and Computer
Flute: Youngmi Kim
This piece is
composed for solo flute and computer as part of the sound installation for an
exhibition of Heiner Schilingfs
photography. The exhibition was held at Yokohama Museum of Art in 2000. In his
pictures taken around
Shigenobu Nakamura Ί
Shigenobu Nakamura was born in
Sadam Fujioka ‘ͺθ
Sadam Fujioka, Ph.D, is a
Japanese artist and sound programmer. He focuses around on new software instruments
for live performance, sound system and minimal music. His works has been
exhibited and performed globally, such as in SIGGRAPH(U.S.), FILE(Brazil), ElectroFringe(Australia), International Festival of
Electronic Art 404(Argentina), Asia Digial Art Award(Japan),
and so on. Now he is a Research fellow at the
Sungho Hwang 황성호
우리나라 전자음악분야의 선구자로서 그는 추계예술대, 서울대, 한국예술종합학교의 전자음악 스튜디오들을
설립했으며 한국전자음악협회를 창립, 현재 국제적으로 널리 알려진 서울국제컴퓨터음악제를 주도했다. 그의 작품은 세계 여러나라에서 연주되었으며 ICMC 뉴올리안즈 대회, 윤이상국제음악상 등 여러 국제음악상의
심사위원을 역임했다. 현재 한국예술종합학교 음악원
작곡과 교수로 있으면서 컴퓨터음악센터 소장을 맡고있다.
Sung ho Hwang has pioneered the electronic music field in
Tomoko Nakai δόq
Tomoko Nakai was born in
Seongah Shin 신성아
Seongah Shin is a composer,
sound artist, educator, and a head of biggiefried
production in
Naotoshi Osaka ¬βΌq
Naotoshi Osaka is a composer and acoustics researcher. He
received an M.S. degree in electrical engineering from
Shota Nemoto ͺ{γΔΎ
Shota Nemoto is a graduate
student at
Cho Wonju 조원주
조원주는 이화여자대학교와 대학원에서 작곡을 전공하였으며, 현재 동국대학교 컴퓨터음악 박사과정에 있다. 순수작곡, 영화음악, 게임음악 등 분야에 활동하고 있으며 주요 작품으로
청담보살, 외출, 무적자, 파괴된 사나이, 현대자동차 V6 GDI 엔진 프로모션, 슈팅게임 shoot up 등이 있다. 현재 계명대학교, 동덕여자대학교, 우송정보대학에 출강 중이다.
Cho Wonju studied
composition at
Richard Dudas
Richard Dudas holds degrees in Music Composition from The Peabody
Conservatory of Music of the
Takeyoshi Mori X Πχ
Takeyoshi Mori is a composer, programmer, and educator for electroacoustic music. He studied composition and sound
programming at Senzoku Gakuen
College of Music in
Violin: Chi-Sang Park 박치상
바이올리니스트 박치상은 예원, 서울예고, 서울대 음대를 졸업한 후 독일
에센 폴크방 국립음대, 독일 마인츠 요하네스 구텐베르그
음대에서 수학하였다. 8세에 소년소녀한국일보 콩쿨 금상을
시작으로 예원콩쿨, 이화경향콩쿨, 동아음악콩쿨 등 국내 유수의 음악 콩쿨에서 상위 입상하여 연주력을 인정받았으며 서울시교향악단, 서울시청소년교향악단, 서울대학교 오케스트라, 서울대학교 챔버오케스트라와 협연하여 호평을 받았으며, 서울시청소년교향악단 악장을 역임했다. 1992년 유학하여 세계적인 바이올리니스트 Viktor Pikayzen, Denes Zsigmondy, Anne Shih와 공부함으로써 솔리스트로 성장하였으며, 비올라도 같이 연주하여 Anne Shih, 박미선과 함께 스트링 트리오를, 아내 박미선과 Duo Essen을 결성하여 많은 실내악 음악회에 출연하고 있으며 국내외 유수 오케스트라와 협연하였다. 현재 계명대학교 계명쇼팽음악원, 경북대학교, 대구가톨릭대학교에 출강하고 있으며, 부천시립교향악단, 포항시립교향악단의 객원악장을 역임하였다.
Flute: Youngmi Kim 김영미
서울 예고졸업, 서울대학교 음대 기악과 졸업, Ecole Normale
de Music de Paris 수석졸업, 일본 국제 Convention 콩쿠르 3위, 특별 연주상, 동아콩쿠르 최고성적 입상, KBS교향악단, 사라예보필, 체코 보헤미안필, Plovdiv State필, 불가리아 슈멘 필 등 협연, KBS교향악단 수석 역임, 현재 계명대학교 음악공연예술대학 관현악과 교수
Graduated College of Music at Seoul National University,
?cole Normale de Musique de Paris and
Ecole National de Music de Val Maubee Won the first prize at
the 1987 UFAM International Flute Competition in France and at the Dong-A Music
Competition in Korea, and achieved the third prize with best performance
award at the 3rd Japan Flute Convention at Kobe in Japan. Released the duo CD with Philippe Pierlot (the
Principal Flute of the Orchestre National de France)
for EMI, Currently, a professor flute at
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